Information about Ser Aymeric's music player.
What is the music player?
Ser Aymeric can play music for you in voice and stage channels from YouTube, Spotify and SoundCloud. You queue music using the ?play command, providing you are already in a voice channel. Upon first use, the person who used the command will become the DJ and Ser Aymeric will respond with a music player message that is controlled with reactions with which you can pause, skip, rewind, fast forward, adjust volume and view queued tracks.
More about Stage Channels here
Please ensure that Ser Aymeric's role has permissions to Read Messages, Send Messages, Add Reactions and Embed Links in the channel you wish to use the ?play command and interact with the music player. Please ensure that Ser Aymeric has permission to Connect and Speak in the voice channel you are in when using the ?play command.
Please ensure that Ser Aymeric is a Stage Moderator in the stage channel you are in when using the ?play command. This is so that he has the permission to automatically asign himself to the role of Speaker when he joins, otherwise he will not be able to play music for you.
Some owners use channel overrides to restrict access to Discord bots to certain channels, which is perfectly fine, even encouraged! However, if you've added channel overrides for Ser Aymeric, please ensure they do not counter any of these permissions you've added on his main role as channel overrides take precedence. Please see Discord's permissions guide for more information.
Here's a list of core features at a glance.
Queueing Music
Ser Aymeric will automatically detect whether you are queuing music from YouTube, Spotify and SoundCloud depending on the link or plain text you enter with the ?play command.
Using the ?play command repeatedly will simply add the track or playlist to the end of the queue.
Queuing YouTube playlist links is much faster and less resource hungry than Spotify playlists. As such, Ser Aymeric will queue a random sample from a Spotify playlist only. This is to ensure that you will start hearing music straight away when queuing music, and the rest of the work happens in the background.
Here are some examples:
?play Goldfrapp Jo
Tip: when entering links into Discord, an embed message will be added that allows you to play a YouTube video or Spotify track from within the app. These embeds take up a lot of space and so if you would like to keep your music channel tidy you can wrap a link with the <> characters. This will prevent the embed from appearing. For example <>
Controlling the Player
Voice Regions
Currently Ser Aymeric has only a single dedicated music server which is located within Europe. As such, for best quality you should set your voice channel's voice region to within Europe too. Discord
Last updated